“Keep close to Nature’s heart… and break clear away, once in awhile, and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean.” – John Muir.
You can heal your body through getting outside in the sun, wind, rain, under the stars, by swimming in the ocean, walking barefoot on the soil, sand, rocks, by playing in the dirt. If you can’t get out much, or don’t like walking barefoot, you can grow some plants in your home, and if you don’t have land, get a plot at your community garden; when you touch soil and watch your seeds grow into something edible and lovely, you’ll start feeling your heart expand.
I grow vegetables and herbs in a wheel barrow that I punched holes in the bottom of. When I’m outside, I move my body imitating the animals and natural environment: by doing this, I’m connecting to their energy. Doing this barefoot, connects me even more to the vibrations of the earth’s core.
I lay my hands on trees to let them know we are friends so we can help each other. I tell them, I’m here to save the animals and earth and ask them for strength. We are evolutionarily made to be outside, not staring at this blue screen (but, thank you for staring at it long enough to read what I have to say, I promise you won’t be disappointed!) which is emitting unhealthy rays (bad for your eyes) & is addictive and bad for your mind and spirit. (They make blue-light blocking glasses for less than $10 and they’re fashionable, so grab a pair). Our homes have electrical wires in the walls and affect the electrical currents in our bodies, so when we are feeling like the ‘walls are closing in’ on us, that’s quite literal.
Think of all the wonderful things you can do with the time you whittle away on social media, like: write in your journal (not on a computer: writing with pen to paper imprints in your brain), jog around the block, draw a picture, save animals, sew a pillow or blanket for you animal friend, throw wildflower seeds everywhere, plant trees, dance, throw a frisbee with a friend, hike, take a drive to the beach, go somewhere and really be present by listening and seeing, be in stillness by yourself to find out who you are! I take at least two hot showers a day, because they feel like a warm hug (so relaxing), are detoxifying and obviously cleansing; something
I started doing a couple of years ago when my dogs pulled me down and broke my foot was sitting on the floor of the shower and sometimes meditating while the warm water flows over my body, I put sea salts with essential oils or organic clay all over my body and let it sit on me for a few minutes, it’s my free spa! When I finish, I get some freezing pure water from my frig and splash it on my face (I heard to do it 100X, but, I do it about 20) to close my pores and feel fantastic (I do this every time I wake up, too).
Water is very healing in many ways, so, take as many baths or showers as you can, they are incredible for your mind, body and spirit. Then I slather lots of organic flower, vegetable oil (my favorite is evening primrose oil, but, coconut or olive oil work too) mixed with essential oils all over me, and some copper and vitamin C on my face.
Create a fire of non-toxic things in a pit that would normally end up at the dump destroying the earth inside the bellies of the animals living there: sit around it, meditate next to it, stare at it, feel it. Fire is mesmerizing primordial, as one day, we will all become ashes. Make sure it’s contained & safe before you leave it. All the elements—earth, water, air, fire—are curative, and they’re free, so, what are you waiting for? We have everything we need to be grounded, solid, focused, joyful, compassionate humans at our fingertips, it’s up to us to start our journey of growing into the loving, beautiful beings we are meant to be.
Bonus Point: Put your hands in the water you irrigate with, as your DNA will then go into your edible plants and inform them what your body is deficient in and create what you need to make you healthier. I heard this from David ‘Avocado’ Wolfe

I’ll teach you about Yoga, Tai Chi, raw veganism, you can join my group theater. I can sing for you lovely, earthy Hawaiian and Jazz for any event.
An organic, raw vegan lifestyle, becoming a Wild Lotus Blossoming yogini and Tai Chi artist, and involving yourself in Wild Horses Theatrical Players all start with knowing more, so let’s create more compassion and joy in the world for all. My podcast will make you think and see how you can make this world full of laughter, connection, softness, beauty for all and how you can learn to enhance your overall well-being in Clayton, North Carolina or hearing me or seeing me virtually
Circle of Life: We are All Connected Through our Breath
I’m Camille, a Yoga and Tai Chi teacher, alive to love my fur babies and to stop the non-vegan world from exploiting and destroying animals and the earth, to direct theater , study dance and to sing to anyone who’ll listen to me. I am going to give you the truth about the animals and earth, so you’ll get out there and save them, I’ll always be honest with you about what’s going on in my life, as with me, I’m just who I am, farts and all. I’ll tell you what’s going on in the world in regards to animals, the natural habitat, and share a lot of ideas for self-care and being healthy.