Chair Yoga Class
Online Class | In Person Class |
Thursday – 10:00 AM | Thursday – 10:00 AM |
Wild Blossoming Tai Chi Class
Online Class | In Person Class |
Saturday – 9:30 AM | Saturday – 9:30 AM |
Wild Blossoming Yoga Mat Class
Online Class | In Person Class |
Monday – 7:00 AM | Saturday – 7:00 AM |
Wednesday – 7:00 AM | |
Friday – 7:00 AM |
Satuday – 12:00 PM |
Yoga, Veganism, Eating Organic and Mainly Green, Pranayama Breathing, Meditation, Yoga, Having a Garden, Creativity, Saving the Animals, Earth and Your Health |
Wild Horses Theatrical Players
Sunday – 5:00 PM |
Community Meeting |

Namaste (the light in me honors the light in you),
and you are loved!
Welcome to The Circle of Life, where all are connected: the animals, earth, and humans, through our breath, and where you will learn about this connection of how the golden thread of life weaves through everything living, your body, mind, and spirit; so, let’s explore many options: veganism, doing Yoga and Tai Chi with me, listening to my podcast devoted to the animals and earth, following my fur babies—Lulubelle, Nolabear, and In Lak’ech— on Facebook, participating in my theater group, which will be mainly vegan theater, animal activism (which you can even do from your computer), and doing music together. I sing, so let’s form a band or a music circle.
Blossoming Wild Lotus Yoga & Come as You Are Yoga
I adore teaching Yoga! It has changed my breathing, my movement, my thinking, my focus and energy, and has kept me alive! It can do this for you, too.
Wild Horses Theatrical Players
Find and express your inner child through acting. Become a clown, a beggar, an animal, a banker who at night breaks out of his frustrated, square life by going to nosh pits, or whatever you like and have fun doing it. This will be a collaboration of artists, with a focus on vegan theater.

Tai Chi
Wild Blossoming Lotus Tai Chi
Anyone can do Tai Chi even if you are disabled in some way. Tai Chi helps bring positive energy, or Qi, into your mind, body, and spirit through repetitive, slower movements that you do in unison with the other students.
Contact ME
For More Information